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A 1-on-1 coaching program designed to combine mindset + action for a life of more time, freedom and progress on a daily basis.


“There’s just never enough hours in the day...”

“Why can’t I focus on one thing at a time instead of being distracted by my giant to-do list?”

“I’m so overwhelmed - I have no idea where to even begin...”

“If only I could motivate myself to do the things I don’t like…”

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What if instead, you could confidently & honestly say…


“I finally have free time and headspace to be fully present with my loved ones.”

“I stick to my personal boundaries and feel zero guilt about it.”

”I make time for yoga and moving my body daily.”

“I have the freedom to live according to my own schedule and do what I want to do.”

“I pursue and see progress on both my business & personal goals every day.”

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 Yes, you can get there.

But it’s not going to be by asking Google to fix your problems (trust me, I tried).

There’s more to it than that. What you really need is a life that’s custom-designed for you.
The (not-so-secret) formula?

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I remember as I sat on a park bench, uncontrollably stress-crying from the constant pressure and overwhelm I felt, and I kept thinking over and over again... “This can’t be my life. There has to be another way”.

The truth was, this wasn’t the first time I had done that. But I vowed to make it my last. I was so done with settling for less - less time, less freedom, and less meaning.

I consumed hundreds of videos, articles, blog posts, and books. I researched strategies and then tested and retested them in my own life, all with the goal of designing a lifestyle that I actually - gasp! - liked waking up to every morning. Even on Mondays.


Since then, I’ve refined my philosophy and worked with ambitious women from various walks of life - from full-time, established freelancers to brand new side-hustlers and everything in between, so they too could discover the essential ingredients to designing a life they love waking up to every morning.

In just 12 weeks, we work through my signature 3-step design process so you can finally get off that hamster wheel and step into the freedom you deserve.

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 The Life Design Process

Align Your Intentions

Get crystal-clear on the lifestyle of your dreams + outline the blueprint to your success.

  • Map out what it’ll take to get from Point A to Point B, and how to avoid the speed bumps along the way.

  • Set up the internal filter that will make sure you never have to sacrifice what’s most important in order to see incredible progress.

  • Tap into your source of infinite drive that’ll take your farther than ‘motivation’ ever could.

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Like an HGTV show, except the makeover is for your life.

  • Set the solid foundation that will support you, even on the days you feel off.

  • Implement the best-kept secret of people who always get sh*t done.

  • Regain control over your time and energy by finally using the right tools and strategies for your personality.

  • Develop an on-demand relationship with focus so you can effortlessly check off those to-do’s.

Design Your Life
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Upgrade Your Mindset

Move forward powerfully as the next-level version of yourself.

  • Wave goodbye to perfectionism and procrastination by working through your deep-rooted mindset blocks, and watch your progress skyrocket.

  • Uncover the real reason you’re holding yourself back, and what to do about it.

  • Set boundaries and embrace self-care (without the guilt!) so your time truly feels yours again.


What’s Inside… 

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Weekly 1-on-1 coaching calls for digging deep

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Workbooks, checklists, cheat sheets + templates for speedy progress

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Training videos so you can stop Google-ing and start doing

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Unlimited voice + text messaging between sessions for constant support

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Claim your spot today + start designing your life.

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Hey I’m Elena, life design coach to ambitious women with BIG dreams and goals.

Aside from my own obsession around lifestyle design, I’ve also...


spent years studying why we humans do the things we do. With a psychology degree and a human resources certificate under my belt, it wasn’t a straight path to coaching, but it gave me a deep understanding of how we think, act, work, make decisions and how we can inspire change.


developed the skills to empower you to tap into your potential instead of throwing a “one size fits all” solution at you. I’ve invested in professional coach training to make sure you get what you need most - because “one size fits all” never really fits quite right.


embraced my strong introverted nature. I’m legitimately fascinated by what’s going on in your inner world, and always have a listening ear available.


become a self-proclaimed personal development junkie and explored life design from many perspectives. I’m constantly learning and growing - everything from minimalism to female cycle-syncing to professional development and beyond.


And I’ve rolled alllll that goodness into one complete program to help you find more time, freedom and accomplishment in every day.


❝ a huge weight lifted ❞

Before I started working with Elena, I had no consistent organization system or routine in my life. I had tried many different methods, listened to hundreds of podcasts and nothing seemed to work for me. Fast forward a few months later… I now wake up at a consistent time (even on the weekends) I have a morning routine I love, I feel organized with my work (a huge weight lifted) and I am making time for my social life.

- Rachel B., Freelancer


❝ those feelings literally disappeared

When I started working with Elena, I constantly felt overwhelmed by my “to do” list and stuck in feelings that I had to accomplish and achieve productivity in a specific way.

By the end of my program with Elena those feelings literally disappeared. She guided me to powerfully understand that there isn’t a wrong way or a right way to get things done, there is only my way.

- Nicole D., Transformational Coach

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Check those most important tasks off your to-do list - every single day?

End your workday with confidence and a sense of accomplishment?

Know exactly how to plan your day for the best possible results?

Step into the productive, action-taking, freedom-loving woman you’re meant to be?


A 3-part lifestyle design program, tailored just to you.

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3 months from now, you’re…

  • Seeing your biggest goals come to life

  • Having time for yourself, your hobbies, and your loved ones

  • Feeling unchained and free to live life on your terms


The 3 months will pass anyway. Make them count.

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❝ the productivity became so easy

These past couple of months have been so transformative for me. Elena taught me so much about purpose, vision, and planning for a better future. The productivity became so easy for me once I knew why I was doing what I was doing.

It has been the best thing I’ve done for my career.

- Vanda F., Writer


❝ even raised my confidence ❞

When I first started, I was at a place where everything was changing and I felt pretty lost.

After working with Elena I have grown in organization skills, productivity levels and even raised my confidence. She reminded me that I am worth having the best life for myself. I deserve to be that happy, glowing being, and I can be that person if I want to.

- Alex K., Artist + Educator

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A 3-part lifestyle design program to customize your life.

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 Frequently Asked Questions


Q: I’m not an organized/routine/structure person. Will this still work for me?

100%. Productivity and loving your life isn’t reserved for a specific type of person, it’s available to anyone and everyone who’s ready to get intentional and make it happen. That’s one of my favourite things about coaching - we’ll custom-design a lifestyle that works for you, so no suffocating schedules or repetitive routines required!

Q: I’m already strapped on time - how much time do I need to commit to this?

Oh girl, I get it. Not being able to get your sh*t together because you don’t have enough time, but the reason you don’t have enough time is because your sh*t’s not together - it’s a vicious cycle and I’ve been there, done that. But the truth is, nothing changes if nothing changes, and by taking out just 3-ish hours a week to evolve into You 2.0, that cycle will end once and for all.

Q: I’ve spent countless hours searching Google, listening to podcasts, watching videos and reading books - nothing seems to work! What if the problem is me

The problem isn’t you - the problem is that the free information on the Internet (and even many paid programs) offer one-size-fits-all solutions. Sometimes they work. Sometimes they work temporarily. Sometimes they don’t work at all. But designing your lifestyle in a long-lasting, sustainable way requires tapping into something none of those sources have - you. That’s why we have those weekly coaching calls to work through your unique struggles and opportunities, and why mindset is such a key part of the program.

Q: Is there a payment plan option?

Of course - I’ve set up a monthly payment plan that lets you get started with private coaching for under $500!


Experience more time, freedom and progress every day.

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